Well, fuck me running! Whenever I need a little assistance in life, things seem to change as soon as I don a hot little pair of shorts and high heels! Oh, believe me, I carry them wherever I go. Like the other day, my car started fritzing on me and I tried for an hour to get someone to help me out. I was even forced to push it off the thruway into a lot. But, not a single man would stop. Why? Maybe because I was wearing a tracksuit that was baggy and covered every inch of my body. So, I climbed into the backseat of my vehicle and changed into a pair of barely-there running shorts. Et, voila! And suddenly, I nearly caused a freaking traffic jam!
Fuck me running! And all over some short-shorts! Who knew? Men (and more than a few women) started pulling up and practically getting into fights over who would help me first! So, I allowed them to duke it out over who would get the dubious distinction over that. I perched my cute ass on the curb and made sure my pussy was on full display every time I spread my thighs! It didn’t take me long to figure out how this game was played. Who would have thought that a sweet young damsel in distress couldn’t get a little assistance just by asking?
Mmm. So, fuck me running! These shorts have naughty DANGER woven right into the fabric! As I squatted and stretched my long and lanky legs out in front of me and in every other direction, I watched the helpers watching me! Also, I watched their dicks beCUM swollen with a desire to fuck me. And not your colloquial help. They wanted to plunge and pillage my holes in a most familiar way; even though they did not know me. My thighs warmed at the thought of that!
They wished to fuck me running! Or maybe even standing still! LOL. Their eyes beseeched me to give them payment in full for helping me and I am always one to pay my debts. So, once the car was running and purring like a kitten, I allowed them to suckle at my body. Hell, my car wasn’t the only thing in need of sustenance. Pushing my car in the hot sun took a great deal out of me. But, I wasn’t about to allow all that testosterone to go to waste. I dropped to my knees and began to feast upon them. So, I began lapping, sucking, and swallowing every drop of their tastiness that I could devour. No one was left unpaid.
Fuck me Running! Perhaps I would have sought them out whether my vehicle was in jeopardy or not. Maybe I needed THEIR bodies as much as they needed to have mine! So, they descended upon me like a pack of sex-hungry wolves, and I LOVED it. Being desired in such a way as to delve into the darkness of lust is a heady proposition, and it is not to be taken lightly. I needed to make something good of it. So, by taking them into myself, I released all that is good onto them by spreading the joy of the coupling between man and woman. I devoured their cum to feed my body and gave mine to each of them.
All of this because of some sexy shorts and having them fuck me running! What a good deed I did today, eh? I think about how this day could have turned out. Maybe with me on some desolate road as the dark of night set in. All alone and wished I had gotten someone to stop and help me. Instead, I had my shorts and heels, and a day that could have ended in a scary way ended with me sucking dick and getting fucked in every hole. Now, That’s how to make the absolute BEST of a bad sitch.
Well, fuck me running! These shorts are likely to get me into the sexy section of heaven if I keep this up!!! I consider them to be my good luck shorts. I never go anywhere without them. Whether I’m driving or not, they go with me. Why? Because a girl can never count on help all by herself. Right? Are you looking for some luck to cum your way? You don’t need to be a girl. So, ask me about ALL the ways to get the help you need in any direction! But don’t wait. Get help from me today!
Just Joey
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She is real. More than the beauty in the photo. She is sassy and captivating. Romi goes from sweet to devious. I can go on and on. What I will say is her line should always be busy.
I can’t say enough great things about Raven. She knows my mind, my thoughts, my triggers. She can push the envelope when needed. And if you ever think you are in control you are wrong. It is Raven’s world and I am privileged to be a part of it.
Last night I had a phenomenal session with Joey. She raises perversity depravity, and sexualty to a galactic level. I truly believe she enjoys my perverse pleasures and desires as much as I do. She is treasure and an absolute incredible asset to PSK. Don’t ever lose her.
Jamie is such a unique, highly talented and versatile PSO. Jamie can cover so many types of role play, highly skilled and so talented. I love the way we catch up, then play to the fullest, most exciting fun. Highest rating!!! Well done PSK!
Lucy is everything you would want in a PSK queen. She can adapt to whatever you’re into and do so with great passion and creativity. She’s smart, beautiful, sexy, and naughty. Do yourself a favor and call her, you’ll be glad you did.
Ariel was Awesome. She is VERY creative!
Tiffany is the Best! I can’t wait for our next call every time we talk.
Maddie was fantastic! I wish I would have lasted longer. She is just so good and makes me come so quick now it’s unbelievable. She was my step mommy this time. She humiliated me and made me dress up like a slutty little girl. Maddie you’re the best and thank you PSK girls.. I love you all!
Eden has this soft, sexy, and seductive voice and the way she gets into your fantasies is Amazing!!
That sweet sexy voice of Vicky is such a turn on. She knows how to get you nice and hard and ending up shooting a huge load.
The best part of my day, week, month, year is talking to Mistress Aileen. She has that special way of getting every last drop out of me. She understands what gets me going. I wish I could talk to her 24/7!
Mommy Megan and grandma took my young virginity. I came soooo hard. Great call!