In my personal opinion, the biggest the dick, the better. The most enormous cock I ever saw was around 9 inches. The cock was thick and hard, and I wanted it immediately. Needed it. Hardly believing my eyes on seeing such a huge cock. Wondering how it is going to fit into my pussy. Would it hurt? Answer. No, it felt amazing. Big, thick, and hard, my wet pussy welcomed it with pleasure. At that moment, I knew that no small cock would ever satisfy me as a big, thick cock would. I’m a certified size queen.
Always knowing what I like is something that I am very proud of. Men need to have a cock to satisfy a woman. Wouldn’t you agree? After all, if you can’t feel it, what is the point of having sex with someone in the first place?
I laughed very hard when I saw my first little bitty penis—trying hard not to laugh while looking at you and raising my eyebrow. “Is that it?” Of course, it was. And you are nowhere even close to being great. It was only three inches long. The width was like a pencil. Asking if he was even inside my tight little pussy was not a good thing to do. Doing my very best to keep from laughing. Which had to be the hardest thing I have ever done. Well, that and telling him that it wasn’t horrible.
Not laughing didn’t last long. Just have to ask. How do you pee? Sitting down would be my guess. Such a tiny little cock. Wondering do you need a magnifying glass to find it. Perhaps you should get a pump to see if you can get some length. You need to get a French tickler to put on it so that I know that your cock is inside of me.
Completely take that back. Even with an extension, I would not have sex with you. That is something that is much too small for me to enjoy. How do you expect to get me or any other woman off with an itsy-bitsy teeny weenie like that? Tell me, do you often get laughed out of the bedroom? You have got to be laughed at more than not. Willing to take bets that you don’t shower after a workout in the gym. At least not in the public bathrooms, looking around and seeing all those other cocks much bigger than yours.
You must sit back and watch your woman being pleasured by another man. Because I can tell you here and now that you are not giving her, me, or any other woman an orgasm. Something that small is simply going to be laughed at. And you’ll be recorded as the smallest pecker on the planet. So much so that you aren’t worth my time.
Let me ridicule your little penis some more. You know you like it when your certified-size queen takes control.
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First time with Cheyenne last night but certainly not the last. She went along with every deviant and perverted scenario. Hang on to this treasure. Luv her and PSK.
Aileen is the best!!! Role play like no other. Makes you build up to BUST!
Jamie is the best. She knows what I like and pushes me to do even nastier things. She is a dirty little girl!! Wow, I will call again.
Hailey is drop dead sexy. She has turned me into her sissy pet. She is genuine, guiding, and exotic. Her personality really takes me over.
Raven is Amazing! She just “gets” me…
CJ helped me a lot by giving me the best pre-birthday gift ever this morning. She will always be my Number 1 queen no matter how far apart we are. LOVE YOU CJ!!!!
Aileen is smart, funny and sexy with a great voice and a great ass!
Last night I did a call with Lacey. She was incredible! How she set up the Fantasy was amazing. She is simply incredible.😀
Frankie is smart, funny and sexy, with an amazing laugh!
Between that sweet sexy voice and dirty mind, Vicky is one of the best in the kingdom. The way she took my role-play and ran with it and made it even hotter to the point where I came so hard.
I’ve Been looking for someone special on talk lines for some time. Hailey seems to be it! I liked it. Gonna go again for a few more times for sure.
Elegant, eloquent, sexy, sensational, erotic, beautiful, breathtaking, passionate, the best, and I can go on-and-on-and-on! These are just few words that describes how amazing Miss Eden is and who she is! Every date with her gets better and better! Love you Miss Eden and Thank You! ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘