I had just woken up. Brenda was already wide awake and stepping out of the shower in the hotel room. I was still in bed, lazy, and wiping the sleep out of my eyes. After a few minutes of drying off with a towel, Brenda walked over and knelt beside me without saying a word. I usually wear cotton underwear panties and a T-shirt to bed, so her access to me was very free. Her hand immediately started to massage my pussy lips over the top of my sheer cotton panties. She slipped her hand underneath my panties and teased me with her glancing touch as my juices began to slow and my panties became wet with excitement. I guess this time I won’t be getting a hard spanking. Maybe, though, a morning quickie is on the menu.
She stood at once, exposing her perfectly shaped breasts, and I gazed at her sensual beauty in awe. She was taking control of this situation, and I loved it. As I took in the view, not sure what her next step was going to be, she climbed up over me and straddled my face, which was now within inches of her glistening, perfectly shaved pussy. Breakfast was served as she lowered herself over my mouth and I was ready to make this a morning quickie to remember.
I made circles around them for a couple of minutes, hearing her deep sighs. Then, she lowered herself further, and I knew she wanted to ride my tongue. I couldn’t believe how wet she was already. My tongue was deep inside her as she bucked her hips, doing my face. What an incredible feeling it was to have her giving me this morning’s quickie and taking what she needed without saying a word.
I was prepared to let her grind away, but she lifted herself off me, grabbed the top of my panties, and pulled them off in an instant. Then she straddled me with one leg on the couch and the other on the floor. She grabbed her oversized black eight-inch dildo and guided it slowly inside my tight wet pussy. Brenda took her time sliding in and out for the first couple of minutes, but then the pace started to hurry.
I still lay on my back, watching her go to town as I lightly pinched and caressed her swollen nipples. Brenda pounded me harder and harder with the toy. My moans told her I was close and couldn’t get enough. I focused on tightening my muscles so that I could last every possible second, but I was getting so close. The more I tried to hold it back, the more intensity I could feel in the buildup. After just a few more slams of the huge dildo into me, I finally had my big explosion. As she felt my release, she gasped and then quivered. We held that position for a couple of minutes, caressing each other’s bodies as we came down from our morning quickie. What an awesome way to start the day!
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Sage may be new but she was phenomenal. Went along with every aspect of our role play. Really seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. No limits. Can’t wait to talk again.
Romi made me feel so comfortable!
Don’t be fooled by the girl next door beauty and childlike voice because Lacey is all woman. She’s smart, beautiful, sexy, and incredibly versatile. She can be anything you want her to be, and your satisfaction is her priority. She’s incredible. Call her.
This site and the ladies on it are Incredible. Jade. Addison. Eden. Kayla. All wonderful people and smoking hot!!
Skylar was absolutely amazing! She quickly took my idea and ran with it in the best way. I can’t wait to have more scenarios with her and give into her kinky strap on.
It is becoming a regular pleasure to talk with Jamie. She’s completely down with my particular fantasy role-play now, and she always adds a little something that turns it up a notch. I always look forward to where we are going to go on our next call.
Mistress Monika is the best. She really knows how to put you in your place. She has become my favorite. She knows just what to say and all the right buttons to hit. I enjoy being her submissive slave. I worship mistress Monika. Do yourself a favor and call her. You won’t be disappointed!
Aileen is Goddess of Perfection. There is no comparison. If you are looking for the most perfect extraordinary Goddess to worship then I recommend Goddess Aileen. She is Number One in Female Domination to ever exist on this earth. She is worthy of all worship. I am both proud and forevermore humbled to be considered one of Her fledglings.
Always a great call with Megan! The things she Makes me do.. Wow!!
Kali was Awesome! She played out my fantasy just as I hoped.
I can’t get enough of this HOTT woman CJ. Just thinking about her brings on that need to make that call. She has a naughty mind that keeps me coming back often. “EXCELLENT” phone skills with the sweetest voice that brings on a VERY explosive ending, she’s turned me into a wake up the neighbors “SCREAMER”.
Mallory’s Great body, voice and her dirty mind makes lots of cum!!!