I am a force of nature, wrapped in silk and laughter. I find it incredibly enjoyably making men cum, therefore I am a self-described joyful jizz milker. Greeting men joyfully, and therefore they greet me back. At the morning cafe’, I leaned across the counter, into the face of the barista who had long since resigned himself to mechanical greetings. What’s your fantasy Oliver, I asked one day. Reading his name from his tag. He stumbled on his words. “Ugh….my fantasy…?” Ten minutes later, I was on my knees sucking him off in the men’s room. That’s the kind of girl I am, A joyful jizz milker who enjoys making a baristas day.
My gifts extended beyond baristas and businessmen. At the park, I found an elderly gentleman sitting alone, watching the world as though it had forgotten him. Being a joyful jizz milker, I knew I could brighten his day. I plopped down beside him and started a conversation. Twenty minutes later he had his shaky hand up my skirt. His curled fingers eagerly parting my wet pussy lips and fingering my hole like a homeless man trying to find a quarter in a forgotten phone booth. It felt amazing knowing I was bringing him sexual pleasure for the first time in years. It wasn’t just the lonely or quiet I’ve managed to touch as a joyful jizz milker.
Recently, on a trip downtown I shared an elevator with a brash, hurried and cynical, no-nonsense CEO who treated smiles like an endangered species. By the time we reached his office, his hands were in my hair and his ample cock down my throat. Feeding me his big fat load of jizz. He was a little late to his conference call, but had an amazing afternoon bending me over his desk and burying his cock deep inside me. Fulfilling my hungering for mature cock, I left him with my wet panties as a parting gift.
Later on that day I treated myself to dinner and a movie. I asked my waiter to sit with me at my table and share my bottle of wine. He reluctantly agreed. His cheeks had just begin to blush from the wine when I took it upon myself to unzip his pants and begin jerking his young cock off under the table. Happily enjoying the company of a joyful jizz maker, his eyes rolled back in his head as he came and came from my intense sensual touch. I cleaned him up with my napkin before sending him back to work.
Later at the theater, I certainly explored my role as a joyful jizz milker as I sat between two middle-aged white guys. We shared popcorn and stories while the previews played. One glance turned into conversation, then laughter, then a spark. Before we knew it, we were kissing in the dim glow of the scrolling names. When the room was at its darkest, I vacillated between their stiff and throbbing cock sucking each one of them dry before the ending credits. Alone in bed that night I felt satisfied. Just another day in the life of a joyful jizz milker.
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Gentlemen, there is a new bad girl in town. Valerie and her sweet little innocent voice will have your cock giving her a standing ovation in no time. She’ll go anywhere you want and will have you addicted to her before you know it. A high recommend for both new and veteran PSK members.
Megan and I did a accomplice phone call that was phenomenal. It was so perverse and yet so much fun. She is so bad and yet so incredibly good. She is a treasure. I hope to keep her around for a long time.
Long time caller. Once you find Raven, there won’t be anyone else.
I pick Maddie above anyone, Always. She is so hot and has such a young hot voice that gets me horny. I have just started doing rougher calls with her and she does as told. I cum so hard for Maddie!
Brittany took the cute little underage sensitivity of our role play and enjoyed it as much as I did. Do not pass up the opportunity to talk to this incredible princess.
Aileen was fantastic. She took the perverted role play and ran with it. She left me breathless and wanting more.
Kali is always great! So fresh and lively. I look forward to every bit of time I can spend with her. Kali is truly PSK’s finest lady.
Vicky is always pushing my limits, and I love it. My last three calls with her have been flawless. I am already looking forward to our next one.
Another fantastic call with my Goddess Aileen. Par excellence!! Give Her a call ☎️. You will never be disappointed!! I’m proud to be Her devoted disciple!!
Megan is phenomenal! I’ve been calling her for years and she has taken care to get to know me, what I want and what I need! She makes me feel special!!
CJ and I had the best Valentine’s Day conversation together. We talked about everything and anything we can. I just wanted to give her a Valentine’s Day surprise call. CJ will ALWAYS by my Valentine no matter how far apart we are. Love you, CJ XOXO
This beautiful young lady has absolutely no limits. Anything and everything is totally ok. You will never be disappointed. Give Alyssa a call. She will quickly become one of your favorites.