Sex has always motivated me in ways almost nothing else could. Yet I had never encountered a one-night stand. This was all about to change on my trip to Italy. I was about to experience My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck. As time passed and my understanding of my sexuality deepened, I was intrigued by a few fantasies. Fucking my Father’s Best Friend and having – Naughty Encounters. Deep, and erotic sex with a complete stranger while on vacation. My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck, I would not need to see nor interact with the stranger after the encounter. Someone whose identity I would not know and would never find out.
Planning for My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck, was not as hard as I had thought it would be. I asked for some much-needed time off at the Spa I worked at. Still dealing with a bad breakup, getting away would feel refreshing. A swanky sex club in Italy seemed to be fitting for such an event. No one knew me there and it was so transit. I already had the club of my choice picked out.
Once I arrived and settled into the hotel, I went downstairs to the nightclub. Eyeing my prey instantly, I headed in his direction. Choosing him to be the, My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck. He was extremely attractive, to say the least. Dressed in an all-black suit and sporting a coiffed haircut, I could tell he was there to make money and most likely, fuck. That was exactly what I was looking for. Perhaps he too was looking to have a one-night stand. This was all so intriguing to me, to be able to dabble in the elixir of sex and not have to stay for all of the complicated stuff.
Sitting next to him at the bar and smelling his cologne already had me aroused. It was then he tried to introduce himself to me, but the whole point was to not know. I raised my finger to his lips, silencing him. With no words needing to be spoken, he understood. . I noticed he could not take his eyes off my decollate leading down to my very exposed cleavage. After a bit of endless flirting, he whispered in my ear to have a drink with him in his suite. I was nonetheless prepared to have My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck.
My heart began to race, I felt butterflies in my stomach as we reached his suite. Upon entry, he picked me up and laid me on the bed. Accompanied by a familiar warmth between my thighs, It took me a moment to gather myself, *deep breaths in and out* “Tell me exactly what it is that you would like.” He asked. and In a whisper, I answered ” I want to be tied to the bed and fucked. Cover my eyes with your tie. I don’t want to see. I just want to feel…something I have never experienced before”
Slowly he descended onto my exposed cleavage. Moving his hand across my left breast to the middle of my chest and gently pinching my already hard nipples. He whispered in my ear ” Your wish is my command” and just like that I felt a rush of ecstasy roll over my body. I was on the brink of losing consciousness, experiencing My first One Night Stand Vacation Fuck.
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My Goddess Aileen is simply the best there is, hands down, no comparison. She can be difficult to contact sometimes because She goes from “online” to “busy” quickly because She is just that damn good. I urge you that if you have tried the rest, try the best, Aileen. I love ❤️ and worship my Goddess Aileen. If chosen, you also can become a devout disciple as I have.
Just had another call with Scarlett and she was absolutely beyond incredible. I am addicted to her voice and her role playing ability. I am going to go broke talking to her but she is worth it. She is a treasure. Hope she is around for a long time!
Romi is excellent at sensual tease and denial! So thoroughly frustrating, omg. She took me to the edge and then she left me there!!
Great call as always with Raven. One of my favorite ladies on this site. Open minded to everything. Love it!
Calls with Vicky are always sexy, filthy, and fun. Her dirty mind is a complete turn on. She has also taken the time to learn what I want and need during a JOI call, and executes them perfectly. She also never fails to just make me feel better about myself during a call. Her laugh is intoxicating. And her Spanish, even though I have no idea what she is saying, is Sexy AF!!!!!
Romi was once again fantastic! My ending was Incredible. She only wanted to please me and she did as usual. After many calls with her I am always satisfied sexually.
Sammy and Megan- These two feed off each other. They edged me for days at a time. Finally after 5 days, they let me cum in my wife’s sticky panties only to get me edging for another 7 days….
Megan and Sammy – These two feed off each other. They edged me for days at a time. Finally after 5 days they let me cum in my wife’s sticky panties only to get me edging for another 7 days…
Vicky was something else! She carried my daddy/daughter role play to new levels. She is an absolute incredible asset to PSK. Keep her around and give her a bonus.
I will always call my CJ whenever I can. She and I always have fun together. CJ puts a big smile on my face when we talk to each other.
Sage is firm at tease and denial. All I can think of is how close she brings me before telling me NO, that’s all you get until next time! OMG.
Wow! Scarlett is the standard by which every PSO should be measured. Whatever you want in a call she will provide with great passion, creativity, and authenticity. Simply put, she has it all and is the best. Don’t take my word for it, call her and find out for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.