Of course, I don’t blame you. I look so hot and as you check out my legs, you want to keep going and see underneath the skirt. Additionally, I know you will want to lick my crotch on my wet sexy lace panties when you see them. Also, these panties are so cute, they are white with pretty little red bows on them. The material is thin, allowing you to see my tight pussy. You can see just how wet I am getting being near you. Honestly, you are having an intense effect on me and my body that I can’t explain.
I tend to have great control around others, however, something about you is triggering my wild side. Moreover, you are making me think about you licking my crotch on my wet panties. Perhaps, it is that finely chiseled body of yours or those piercing eyes. Or, maybe it is the way you smell. So masculine and strong. Do you have this effect on all women or is it our pheromones connecting? This is truly intoxicating. My body is reacting to you in new ways and I am not sure I want to resist or behave. I am sure I do NOT want to behave. From the way you are looking at me, I am guessing you feel the same.
And, I am thinking our best option is to find someplace to be alone together and do it quickly. I am not sure where you live, but my place is just around the corner. That means, we can head there right now. I can tell by your reaction, that is a yes. Fantastic! I am within walking distance if you prefer to take a nice stroll over there. Or, if you want to motor there, I can show you some of my outstanding skills on the short drive there. Just be aware, my blow job lips are more than just pretty, they know how to work a cock.
Perhaps, you would like to lick my crotch before we take off to my place? I am extremely wet right now and could use some quick oral fun. Oh, good. You bend over as I spread these gorgeous legs for you. I told you I was getting super wet for you. Of course, now you believe me. There you go, lick those lacey panties and then, pull them to the side. Fuck, you are good at that! Go, baby, go, make me cum on your face. That is the spot, work my clit and slide a finger inside me. Mmmm…that is amazing. I am cumming, baby!
No wonder you were setting off all my pheromones. I don’t know many men that can lick the crotch and send me over the edge like that. You are quite a lover and we are just at the oral activities. I am excited to see and feel the rest of your sexual attributes. Okay, let’s get out of this parking lot and to my place. We have so many things to do together. Plus, it is my turn to show you some oral skills. Drive carefully, I am going to rock your cock.
What about you? Would you enjoy licking the crotch of my panties? Or maybe you are looking for one of my other amazing skills! Time to dial me up for some hot fun!
At 21 all she wanted for her birthday was to have a hard cock thrust h... Read More
Being a sexy office tease seems to cum so naturally to me… &nb... Read More
I Seduced a Hot Married Man Out With His Wife on Valentine’s Day! &n... Read More
The hottest slut in the city. Encountering a dick-draining sexy... Read More
Breakups can be messy, but so much fun if you’re naughty enough. And... Read More
Meeting One Night Stand Man The night of the last one night sta... Read More
Greedy Panty Slut: Lace and Disgrace I’m such a greedy panty slu... Read More
Our Slutty Adventure It’s your special day my love, and I... Read More
Spicy RV ride to the nearest town with a sexy hitchhiker… ... Read More
Cravings at the Rave ~ Free your mind, and the rest will follow…... Read More
As a naughty single GILF, I get many gifts on the “heart”... Read More
Galactic Goddesses’ Hotwife Alien Abduction: A Kinky Intergalact... Read More
CJ and I had the best Valentine’s Day conversation together. We talked about everything and anything we can. I just wanted to give her a Valentine’s Day surprise call. CJ will ALWAYS by my Valentine no matter how far apart we are. Love you, CJ XOXO
This beautiful young lady has absolutely no limits. Anything and everything is totally ok. You will never be disappointed. Give Alyssa a call. She will quickly become one of your favorites.
Once again this young lady outdid herself. Without even being asked, Scarlett brought another voice into our scenario, making it even more exciting and sexually arousing. If you’re reading this give this incredible princess a call. You will never ever regret it. My only complaint is that you’ll be taking time away from me.
Megan is so good. She did everything I wanted and got even more filthy. She is so nasty. I can’t believe she did that nasty perverted stuff to make me cum so hard.
I have talked with Romi several times over the past years. She knows me well and is very caring. I love to be with her. She completes my life sexually.
Best phone sex I’ve ever had! Joey so was so nice, so sexy, and was willing to fulfill all my fantasies. She’s absolutely amazing and I will be calling back very soon!
Megan was Beyond Incredible.. Took my role play and took it to new levels. I’m still recovering.. She is a treasure.
First time with CJ and she was beyond incredible. Absolutely no limits. She was even better than I could have imagined!
Aileen, Aileen, Aileen. She makes me feel so good. I can’t call her enough!
Sage is definitely sweet. Give her a call, you’ll enjoy, Trust me!
Last night I had another amazing call with my Goddess Aileen. She is the Queen of Queens. If you can catch Her not “busy” call Her and find out for yourself. She is unparalleled in what she does.
What a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with the best Queen on PSK, Aileen. I was salivating at the thought of all the naughty and nasty things we could get into. Aileen knows how to get every last drop out of you. I cannot wait to play with her again.