I have this new boyfriend I’ve been seeing for the last few months. What can I say? I don’t enjoy being without a boyfriend, so this guy will do for a while. It’s no great romance, but he’s well off and a fairly decent sort. I don’t think when we met he assumed he’d become a cuckold. He really is lacking in one department though, and that I’m not willing to settle for. His dick is just too small, and I told him I wasn’t impressed the first time I laid eyes on it. I said I had a fairly high sex drive and wouldn’t be compromising my needs due to his inadequacies. He looked a bit shocked, but resigned.
I’ve got a couple of different fuck buddies I can call upon when the desire arises. I’ve got my favorite one though, and he’s the one I’ve been seeing. His cock is a thing of beauty. It’s literally like a porn star cock. It’s huge, over eight inches, and very thick. He can also fuck as long as I want and need him to. He’s got excellent control and can just last and last. It’s impressive in every single way. I was telling my boyfriend about my fuck buddy and he seemed so jealous. I was secretly laughing as I watched him get redder and redder with jealousy and self shame. His shortcomings are many in the bedroom, and I’ve not hesitated to tell him so. He’s going to be a cuckold before we finish.
His dick is maybe four inches, thin, and cannot last long. I just keep thinking of the gifts he buys me and how he helps me financially. That takes the sting out of the disappointment in the bedroom somewhat. He didn’t laugh when I called him minute man, but I sure did, since it’s accurate. I think he’s getting more accustomed to my having a fuck buddy and being a cuckold. aI was out on a date the other night and when I came home; he asked about it. I said do you really want the details? He said yes, all of them. I told him.
He sat on the edge of the bed with a towel wrapped around him. He;d just gotten out of the shower. I sat in the chair next to the bed and told him about my night. How I’d met my lover at his house and he invited me in. We had a few drinks and then went up to his bedroom, where he kissed me passionately, getting me primed. I was lying on the bed on my back, feeling my wetness growing at his kisses. He slowly undressed me, teasing me. Once I was laying there naked, he began kissing me all over. Sucking my nipples, kissing down my stomach to my pussy.
Opening my cunt lips with his tongue, flicking my clit back and forth, making me squirm. My boyfriend opened his towel from around his waist. His tiny dick was standing at attention and he began to stroke it as I recounted my date. I told him I wrapped my legs around my lover’s head as he licked me to several satisfying orgasms. Then he mounted me and slide his huge dick into me, stretching me open. His cock really took some getting used to, it was so large. He laughed and asked if I’d be telling my cuckold boyfriend about our date later. I said yes, I would. My boyfriend continued to masturbate as I told him how my lover made love to me over and over.
It always amazes me how much longer my boyfriend can last while masturbating. He sure can’t last when we have sex. I don’t call him the minute man for nothing. I told him how long my lover can last. That he doesn’t continually disappoint me sexually. How he can make me beg him to allow me to cum? He can last so long. The look of shame on my boyfriend’s face when I say such things amuses me a lot. He knows he’s a dud in the bedroom. I’m not the only woman to tell him so, apparently. I told him how I exploded with a tremendous orgasm from my lover’s cock, gliding in and out of me. It’s always satisfying when we’re together. I think my boyfriend’s dream is one day being allowed to watch. I’ll consider it, but am not ready for that yet.
I love to do cuckold phone sex !
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I truly enjoy the enthusiasm Raven has for me and my kinky sexual habits and addictions during our session together. I love the way she pushes me to get the best sexual pleasure possible. I love showing all the training we have achieved together. Thanks Raven.
Very fun call. Paris was very good about working with the (pretty low detail, honestly) scenario I suggested and bringing it to life.
I could fill this testimonial space with superlatives about Addison. Suffice it to say she is everything you would want in a call, regardless of your needs and desires. She is so talented, smart, sexy, and genuine that she can adapt to anything. It’s a testament to how good she is, so call her!
Frankie is Smart, funny with an amazing laugh. I enjoy her low sultry voice.
Megan is smart, funny, playful, and cheerful. And So Very Sexy!
May is smart, funny, and sexy. She is also very creative and has a great voice.
Wow, Eden is just So Hot. I love when she gets a little demanding. She does it perfectly! Her RP is amazing! God, I wish I could call her everyday. I love telling her my desires.
Alyssa played the Best Grandma! She and her lady friends had a great time with her tiny grandson. I had a hard time not exploding earlier than I did.
I keep going back to Megan and it just keeps getting 🔥 hotter!
Every call with Aileen is so intense. I keep coming back time and time again to talk to the greatest PSK operator Queen Aileen to help me explode. I only wish there were two of her to have a mind blowing experience. Aileen will leave you asking for more.
Raven accomplished probably the best call for me tonight. She surpassed the scenario that I laid out and blew my mind. Raven is not to be missed…
Dawn was incredible. She was so into our role playing that I’m still recovering. She had absolutely no limits. Can’t wait to talk to her again.